RSS Subscribe - Google and Safari are not cooperating.

January 24, 2013  •  2 Comments

Thank you for checking out my very first blog.  With anything new there are always a few bugs to work out.  One problem is that some web browsers do not support RSS feed and that means that some people have not been able to subscribe to my blog.

Here is the answer that I received about why this happens:  

Chrome does not have a built in RSS reader, so it will just show the code, which is what you are seeing.  Firefox can read RSS feeds, and also older versions of Safari. The latest version of Safari cannot display RSS feeds, but there are numerous apps for this.  Google also has a RSS feed reader called Google Reader.

I hope this might answer any questions anyone might have.


Now here's an image that will probably not make it to a gallery on my web site - but you never know.  I would love to know what you think of it - leave a comment for me


Water Horses

Water Horses


This image was taken on a trip to Wyoming in October, 2012.  Well, I have been really busy since then and haven't had much time to look back over the pictures I took until recently.  I am always learning more about the craft of Fine Art Photography and this segment of Digital Art so I joined a group of exceptional digital artists on Facebook and have been learning from some of the best.

Our challenge was to take a texture that was provided to us and see what we could do with it.  These horses were in a larger group of horses and I cropped the picture tight.  You can see some water splashing and just a hint of legs on the front horse.  

I applied the texture to the image and changed the blend mode in Photoshop.  I really liked the color that the image took on, but I did not like the texture on the horses.  I applied another technique from my digital toolbox and took the texture off of the horses while leaving the texture color.  I then burned some in front of the lead horse because the area was too bright and I thought it drew the viewer's eye away from the horses.

That's how I did it.

Thank you for sharing your time with me - I truly appreciate it.  Have a great weekend!



If you have time checkout my fan page on Facebook.  I post quite a bit about my fine art photography as well and you will be able to see what comments are posted there.   You can find it here:

If you like my blog be sure and share it with others.  And feel free to leave a comment - I would love to hear from you.



Colleen Sternberger Fine Art Photographer
Thank you Joanne.
Joanne Collins(non-registered)
Love the colors in the Water Horses!
No comments posted.

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